Degrees: Master - Research on ITT

Master on Research on Information Technologies and Telecommunications

MB: R&D Fundamentals
Basic Module (15 ECTS)
Research methodology, innovation and technological transfer – MI
1.Research methodology (3)
2.Technological transfer and innovation in the R&D system (3)
Techniques and tools supporting research – TH
1.Techniques and tools supporting research (5)
Introduction to specialities – IE
1.Introduction to specialities (4)
ME: Technological specialities
Speciality Module (30 ECTS)
Subjects on other master courses
(up to 5 ECTS)
Signal Treatment and Bio-Engineering (TSB)
Analysis and Design in Electronics and Communications (EC)
Telematics System Engineering (IST)
Systems and Services in Computer Science Engineering (ISSI)
Signal treatment techniques – TS
1.Non-linear analysis
2.Estimate and adaptative processing
3.Multi-dimensional processing
Analysis and characterization in Electronics and Communications – AC*
1.Simulation of electronic processing and devices
2.Characterization of electronic devices and circuits
3.Wave propagation analysis on linear and non-linear media
4.Characterization of electromagnetic radiations
Architectures, technologies and services of telematics distributed systems – AT
1.Paradigms, architectures and middleware in distributed telematics systems
2.New technologies in telematics systems
3.Advanced services supporting telematics applications
Paradigms and technologies for computer systems and services – PTSSI
1. Advanced technologies for information management
2.Advanced technologies for Intelligent Systems
3. Platforms for computational support
Bio-medical engineering – IB
1.Bio-medical signal processing
2.Bio-medical image processing
3.Bio-medical instrumentation
Design of electronic and communication systems – DS**
1.Design of electronic circuits
2.Design of antennas and radio-communication systems
3.Design of optical communication systems
4.Design of optical communication networks
Comprehensive vision of application domains – DA
1.   Comprehensive approximations of telematics systems in knowledge society domains
2.   Engineering of telematics systems in Education and Medicine
3.   Engineering of telematics systems in Management and Transport
Computer systems and services: application domains – SSIDA
1. Applications based on Information Services
2. Applications of Intelligent Systems in technological environments  
3. Engineering of embedded systems and mobility
PFM: Master Thesis Project
Master Thesis Module (15 ECTS)
 (*) Three out of the four subjects have to be taken.
(**) Three out of the four subjects have to be taken.
Fecha de revisión: 24-02-2010

Sitio en español / English site

(c) 2024 :: School of Telecommunications Engineering
Paseo Belén 15. Campus Miguel Delibes
47011 Valladolid, Spain
telephone: +34 983 423660
email: infoaccesoteluvaes