2023/24 ____________________________________________________________________

        BARY, ALEX    International Semester

        BERNARDO BARRERO, ADRIAN    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        BLANCO FERNÁNDEZ, RUBÉN     Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        DEL RIO NOGALES, JAVIER    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        EAST GARIJO, ALEJANDRA CECILIA    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        ESCUDERO ALONSO, DAVID    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        GUILLEMAUD MAXIME    International Semester

        HERNANDO BARRIOS, ANDREA    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        HERRERO ALONSO, IVÁN    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        HRENIUKH, VIKTORIA     International Semester

        LLORENTE BALBÁS DAVID    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        MARTÍNEZ JUÁREZ, EDUARDO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        MORENO MARTÍN, ADRÍAN    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        SÁNCHEZ MARTÍNEZ, AGUSTÍN    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        SANMARTI, NOLANN PHILIPPE CHRISTOPHE    International Semester

        SAPSA, YULIIA    International Semester

    2022/23 ____________________________________________________________________

        AL-JUFOUT, RAMA AHMAD    International Semester

        BEILVERT, CORENTIN RENÉ MICHEL    International Semester

        BENITO GONZÁLEZ, PABLO     Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        CALIXTE, AXEL PAUL    International Semester

        CALLEJA CUESTA, LAURA    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        CANET PÉREZ, CARMEN    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        GARCÍA FERNÁNDEZ, ÁNGELA    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        HERNÁNDEZ BENITO, PAULA    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        HERNANTES LUACES, FRANCISCO JAVIER    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        KONOVALENKO, SVITLNA     International Semester

        KOSHOVYI, OLEKSII    International Semester

        MUSAJ, DRINA    International Semester

        SANZ CALLE, ALEJANDRO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        VAQUERO GIMÉNEZ, ÁLVARO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

    2021/22 ____________________________________________________________________

        ALMANZA ALONSO, MIGUEL    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        ALONSO GONZÁLEZ, ÁLVAR    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        ASKARULY, CHINGIS    International Semester

        GÓMEZ DIEGO, CARLOTA    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        SANTOS DELGADO, ANA    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        SLIESAREVYCH, OLEKSII IVANOVYCH    International Semester

        VALENCIANO LÓPEZ, MARÍA MAGDALENA    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

    2020/21 ____________________________________________________________________

        CEPEDA MARTÍNEZ, LUIS    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        DÍEZ TOMILLO, JULIO    Master of telecommunication engineering

        MONJE GONZÁLEZ, DANIEL    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        SANTOS SEISDEDOS, CARLOS    Master of telecommunication engineering

    2019/20 ____________________________________________________________________

        PILAR ARNANZ, SAMUEL    Bachelor tech. telecommunication engineering

        ROYUELA GONZÁLEZ, IGNACIO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

    2018/19 ____________________________________________________________________

        ABAD MARTÍN, ARANCHA    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        ALONSO GARRIDO, ISABEL    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        FRANCISCO APARICIO, TOMÁS    Master of telecommunication engineering

	GARCÍA ZARZA, PABLO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        GUTIÉRREZ DE PABLO, VÍCTOR    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	HERRERAS BABÓN, ROBERTO    Master of telecommunication engineering

        MAZAIRA HERNÁNDEZ, ADRIAN    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	PERÉZ GARCÍA, RAQUEL    Master of telecommunication engineering
    2017/18 ____________________________________________________________________

        AZOFRA OVEJERO, JAVIER    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        CASADO RODRÍGUEZ, MIRIAM    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        DELGADO GARCÍA, PABLO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        DÍEZ CUADRILLERO, CARLOS    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        FERRERAS BUSTAMANTE, ALFREDO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        GARCÍA HIGUERA, ROBERTO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        GONZÁLEZ HORNA, ILLÁN    Master of telecommunication engineering

	JIMÉNEZ GALINA, DANIEL    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        MARINA BOILLOS, PABLO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        MARTÍN DÍEZ, PABLO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        MARTÍN GUTIÉRREZ, MARCOS    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        PASCUA MAESTRO, ICIAR    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        PÉREZ ÁCIMAS, JAVIER    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

        VILORIA VÁZQUEZ, IVÁN    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering
    2016/17 ____________________________________________________________________

	ARIAS MARCOS, DAVID    Bachelor industrial electronics and automation engineering
	DOMÍNGUEZ GARCÍA, ALBERTO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	DOMÍNGUEZ LÓPEZ, LUIS ANTONIO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	FRANZONI URIARTE, CHIARA    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	GARCÍA CASADO, RUBÉN    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	IBÁÑEZ GUANTES, RODRIGO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	LEZCANO HERMOSO, GONZALO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	LOBO GONZÁLEZ, ALEJANDRO    Bachelor tech. telecommunication engineering

	LÓPEZ VALLE, JAVIER    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	ROJAS VARGAS, MICHAEL GIOVANI    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	SÁNCHEZ MARTÍN, MARÍA PILAR    Bachelor tech. telecommunication engineering

    2015/16 ____________________________________________________________________
	CAMINERO FERNÁNDEZ, GUILLERMO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	FERNÁNDEZ-LOMANA PÉREZ, JAVIER    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	GONZÁLEZ CARRASCO, ROCÍO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	GONZÁLEZ DE LA FUENTE, MARIO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	MARTÍN MATEOS, ALBERTO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	MARTÍNEZ HURTADO, PABLO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	MERINO COSGAYA, HÉCTOR    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	MULERO PALENCIA, SOFÍA    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	NÚÑEZ BRISO-MONTIANO, JUAN    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	ORTIZ DE LATIERRO DELGADO, DAVID    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	PLAZA MARTÍN, GUADALUPE    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	SÁNCHEZ ROMERO, SERGIO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering
    2014/15 ____________________________________________________________________
	ALONSO BUITRAGO, JORGE SAUL    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	ALONSO GONZALEZ, VICTOR    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	CALVO RUIZ, DIEGO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	GARCIA SANCHEZ, HENAR    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	JIMENEZ GARCIA, JORGE    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	MANSO ENCINAS, PABLO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	MARTIN GARCIA, ALEJANDRO    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	MORATINOS SANCHEZ, JOSE    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	PARRO FIJO, MARIA    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	SANTOS ROMO, JAVIER    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	SANZ MARTIN, ISMAEL    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	SERNA PEREZ, JONATAN RAFAEL    Bachelor specific tech. telecommunication engineering
    2014 ____________________________________________________________________
	ÁLVAREZ GARCÍA, CARLOS ALBERTO	Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	ANTOLÍN BLANCO, JAVIER			Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering
	APARICIO ALONSO, DAVID			Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	BENITO VALVERDE, ADRIAN			Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	BENITO VILORIA, DAVID			Telecommunication engineering

	CAMPOS GUTIÉRREZ, ELENA MARÍA	Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	CARBAJO VALLEJO, IGNACIO			Telecommunication engineering

	CARTÓN SÁNCHEZ, JUAN IGNACIO	Telecommunication engineering

	CASTAÑO NAVARRO, DANIEL			Telecommunication engineering

	CASTRO LIRIANO, SANTIAGO DE		Telecommunication engineering

	CASTRO PEÑAS, MARÍA				Telecom. systems tech. engineering

	CORREA MEDIAVILLA, EUGENIO		Telecommunication engineering

	DEHESA MARTÍN, JULIO				Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	ESCALADA BLANCO, JOSU			Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	FERNÁNDEZ CALLEJA, SHEILA		Telecom. systems tech. engineering

	FERNÁNDEZ PASTRANA, JAVIER		Telecommunication telematic tech. engineering	

	GARCÍA CATALINA, MICAELA			Telecommunication engineering

	GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, JAVIER			Telecommunication engineering

	GÓMEZ TEJEDOR, DAVID			Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	GONZÁLEZ DÍEZ, SAMUEL			Electronic engineering

	GUTIÉRREZ SÁNCHEZ, ANA VICTORIA		Telecommunication engineering

	LÓPEZ-ROMERO GUIJARRO, RODRIGO		Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	LLAMAS GONZÁLEZ, LUIS MIGUEL		Telecommunication engineering

	MALLO HERRAEZ, JAVIER			Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	MARTÍN MORALES, DAVID			Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	MARTÍNEZ CAGIGAL, VICTOR		Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	MELERO VILLAMUZA, ELENA			Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	MÉNDEZ MARTÍN, JAIRO			Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	MILLÁN GARCÍA, IGNACIO			Telecommunication engineering

	ORMAECHEA IZQUIERDO, RAFAEL		Telecommunication engineering

	ORTEGA ARRANZ, ALEJANDRO		Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	ORTEGA LARA, DAVID				Telecommunication engineering

	PASCUAL DEL RÍO, SERGIO			Telecommunication engineering

	PAZ VILLARROEL, RUBÉN DE			Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	RODRÍGUEZ DÍAZ, JAVIER			Telecommuncation engineering

	RUIZ GÓMEZ, SAÚL JOSÉ			Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	SÁNCHEZ HURTADO, JOSÉ MIGUEL	Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	SANZ ESTÉBANEZ, SANTIAGO		Telecommunication engineering

	VAQUERIZO VILLAR, FERNANDO		Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering

	VELAYOS SAN JUAN, DIEGO			Degree specific tech. telecommunication engineering    

	ZARZUELO RUBIO, GUILLERMO		Telecommunication engineering
    2013 ____________________________________________________________________

	ANTA ZORITA, BELEN DE    telecommunication engineering

	ARMENTEROS LOPEZ, VALERIANO JOSE    telecommunication engineering

	BARBA MANZANO, OSCAR    telecommunication engineering

	CAMPOO HOYOS, LUIS ALBERTO    telecommunication engineering

	CASTRO BRAVO, JESUS JAVIER    telecommunication engineering

	CAVIEDES NOZAL, DIEGO    telecommunication engineering

	CRESPO FERNANDEZ, JUAN ANTONIO    telecommmunication engineering

	DIEZ FRANCO, CRISTINA    telecom. systems tech. engineering

	FERNANDEZ ALEJOS, HECTOR    telecommunication engineering

	GENTIL OTERO, ALBERTO NICOLAS    telecommunication engineering

	HERRERO HERRERO, FERNANDO    telecommunication engineering

	LEDESMA LAZARO, HUGO    telecommunication engineering

	LEON CAMINERO, MARIA    telecommunication engineering

	MARTIN GARCIA, HECTOR    telecommunication engineering

	MORENO AMOROS, ALVARO FELIPE    telecommunication engineering

	PARREÑO SAIZ, ALEJANDRO    telecommunication engineering

	PASCUAL DEL RIO, ALVARO    telecommunication engineering

	PEDRERO GALLARDO, LAURA    telecommunication engineering

	RODRIGUEZ MANCHON, EDUARDO    telecommunication engineering

	SERNA GALLARDO, ALEJANDRO    telecommunication engineering

    2012 ____________________________________________________________________

	ÁLVAREZ SÁNCHEZ, JAVIER    telecommunication engineering

	ARIAS TATO, ADRIÁN    telecommunication engineering

	CABELLO MARTÍNEZ, NOEL HÉCTOR    telecommunication engineering

	DURANTEZ STOLLE, MARIO ALBERTO    telecommunication engineering

	ESTEBAN MOLINA, EVA    telecommmunication engineering

	ESPINOLA ESPIGARES, DIEGO    telecommunication engineering

	FERNÁNDEZ DELGADO, CÉSAR    telecommunication engineering

	FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA, DAVID    telecommunication engineering

	GARCÍA DÍEZ, MARIO    telecommunication engineering

	GÓMEZ PILAR, CARLOS    telecommunication engineering

	HERNANDO MANTECA, JUAN IGNACIO    telecommunication engineering

	LANZA MASA, ALBERTO    telecommunication engineering

	MARTÍNEZ MARTÍN, ALBERTO    telecommunication engineering

	MONGE ÁLVAREZ, JESÚS    telecom. systems tech. engineering

	PEÑA NOGALES, ÓSCAR    telecommunication engineering

	PÉREZ OLIVEROS, ADRIÁN    telecommunication engineering

	RABANILLO VILORIA, IÑAKI    telecommunication engineering

    2011 ____________________________________________________________________

	ALONSO FERNÁNDEZ, SERGIO    telecommunication engineering

	ANTOLÍN PÉREZ, IRENE    telecommunication engineering

	BLÁZQUEZ GARCÍA, ÁNGEL    telecommunication engineering

	BOMBÍN RODRÍGUEZ, MANUEL JESÚS    telecommunication engineering

	CAMAZÓN RODRÍGUEZ, FRANCISCO    telecom. systems tech. engineering

	DÍEZ AGUADO, ELIA    telecom. systems tech. engineering

	DURANGO PASCUAL, ALEJANDRO CÉSAR    telecommunication engineering

	EDESA GONZÁLEZ, SERGIO    telecommunication engineering

	FERRERO VARGAS, ANTONIO    telecommunication engineering

	FLORÍN BELINCHÓN, VÍCTOR    telecommunication engineering

	HERNÁNDEZ AGUADO, JESÚS Mª    telecommunication engineering

	GARZA SÁNCHEZ, IVÁN    telecommunication engineering

	GÓMEZ FRONTELA, DANIEL    telecommunication engineering

	GUERRA DE LA CORTE, JOSÉ JOAQUÍN    telecommunication engineering

	MATA GÓMEZ, FCO. JAVIER    telecommunication engineering

	PÉREZ SEGURADO, DAVID    telecom. systems tech. engineering

	REVILLA MARTÍN, LARA    telecommunication engineering

	VALERIO TERRÓN, SERGIO    telecommunication engineering

	VELASCO NIÑO, CARLOS    telecommunication engineering

    2010 ____________________________________________________________________

	AGUIRRE DÍAZ, OLIVER    telecommunication engineering

	ARRANZ VELA, ALVARO    telecommunication engineering

	CASTRO GARCÍA, BEATRIZ DE    telecommunication engineering

	GARCÍA CASTAÑO, YAIZA    telecommunication engineering

	GARCÍA MORÁN, ÁLVARO    telecommunication engineering

	HERNÁNDEZ MARTÍNEZ, BHISHMA    electronic engineering

	LÓPEZ VALDEZATE, SILVIA Mª    telecommunication engineering

	MARCOS BLANCO, LUIS MIGUEL    telecommunication engineering

	MENENDEZ GALVÁN, DAVID    electronic engineering

	MOTA MARTÍN, RODRIGO    telecommunication engineering

	NIETO MUÑOZ, MARIANO    telecommunication engineering

	PANDO DE LA NOGAL, DANIEL DE    telecommunication engineering

	SÁNCHEZ HERNÁNDEZ, JUAN MANUEL    electronic engineering

	VERÁSTEGUI SACRISTÁN, JAVIER    telecommunication engineering

    2009 ____________________________________________________________________
	ABOY CEBRIAN, IRENE    telecommunication engineering

	AGUILAR GIL, RAUL    telecommunication engineering

	ARIAS SANCHEZ, JAVIER    telecommunication engineering

	ASENSIO HERNANDEZ, SAMUEL    electronic engineering

	BARREDA MARTINEZ, GEMA    telecommunication engineering
	CUESTA IBAÑEZ, LAURA DE LA    telecommunication engineering

	FERNANDEZ GONZALEZ, MIGUEL    electronic engineering

	FERRERAS DE LA FUENTE, SUSANA    telecommunication engineering

	GAGO MUÑOZ, ENRIQUE    telecommunication engineering

	GONZALEZ CABRERO, JOSE IGNACIO    telecommunication engineering

	LESMES ESCULTA, DIEGO ALEJANDRO    telecommunication engineering
	MARTIN BRAVO, EDUARDO    telecommunication engineering

	MARTIN FERNANDEZ, ALBERTO    telecommunication engineering

	MARTIN MONJAS, ALBERTO    telecommunication engineering
	MARTINEZ TORIO, ALEXANDRA    telecommunication engineering

	MORENO DE MIER, HECTOR    telecommunication engineering

	PACHECO OLMOS, DAVID    telecommunication engineering

	PEREZ MUÑOZ, EDUARDO    electronic engineering

	PRIETO LONGARELA, PATRICIA    telecommunication engineering

	UÑA CIDON, ANA BELEN    telecommunication engineering

    2008 ____________________________________________________________________

	ALGORRI GENARO, JOSE FRANCISCO    electronic engineering                             
	ALVAREZ MORAN, PABLO    telecommunication engineering

	ASENSIO ARAGON, JOSE LUIS    telecommunication engineering

	DELGADO PEREZ, LUIS IGNACIO    telecommunication engineering

	DIAZ MANZANO, IAGO    telecommunication engineering

	DOMINGUEZ MARARETO, DANIEL    telecommunication engineering

	GONZALEZ CADENAS, DIEGO    telecommunication engineering

	GUTIERREZ SACRISTAN, FRANCISCO JAVIER    telecommunication engineering

	IGLESIA ARTEAGA, ALVARO    telecommunication engineering

	MARTIN VAZQUEZ, IGNACIO    electronic engineering

	MARTINEZ ALCANTARA, JAVIER    telecommunication engineering

	MARTINEZ DIOSDADO, MIRIAN    telecommunication engineering

	MIGUEL GALLO, JORGE    telecommunication engineering

	PEREZ ALBA, JOSE MARIA    telecommunication engineering

	REDONDO LAGUNA, CESAR MARIANO    electronic engineering

	RICO SANZ, ALBERTO JESUS    electronic engineering

	VELASCO BENITO, ADOLFO    telecommunication engineering